Update Your Information

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Dear Al-Quds University Alumni,

We value our ongoing relationship with you and want to ensure we can keep you informed about the latest news, events, and opportunities from Al-Quds University.

Update Your Information:

To help us stay in touch, please take a moment to update your contact and professional information. Your updated details will allow us to send you relevant communications and opportunities that may interest you.

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Update information for: تحديث البيانات ل

1) Personal Information – المعلومات الشخصية

Name – الإسم
رقم الهوية أو جواز السفر المسجل لك في أنظمة جامعة القدس
Degree – الدرجة

2) Employment Information – معلومات الوظيفة

Employment Status – الحالة الوظيفية
After graduation the first job was during – كانت أول وظيفة لك بعد التخرج خلال

3) Further Study after graduation – الدراسة بعد التخرج

Pursuing Further Study – هل قمت بمتابعة الدراسة بعد التخرج

4) Social Networks Informations – معلومات الشبكات الاجتماعية

Did you subscribe to the alumni community on this website – هل قمت بالاشتراك في شبكة الخريجين في هذا الموقع؟
Did you subscribe to the alumni group on Linkedin? – هل قمت بالاشتراك في مجموعة الخريجين على اللينكدان؟
Did you subscribe to the alumni group on Facebook? – هل قمت بالاشتراك في مجموعة الخريجين على الفيسبوك؟

Privacy Statement:

We respect your privacy and assure you that your personal information will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of maintaining our alumni records, university rankings and communications.

Further Engagement:

Remember, as Al-Quds University alumni, you are part of a global community. We encourage you to stay involved, whether by attending alumni events, volunteering, mentoring current students, or giving back to the university.

Keep an eye on your inbox for upcoming events and opportunities!

Contact Us:

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Alumni Office at alumni@alquds.edu.

Thank you for your continued connection and support!